All-Age Advent Candle Lighting & Devotion
Sundays at 7 PM on Zoom - Theme: “The Stars”
Email Brittany for Zoom Link -
Santa Cookie Bags Service Project
December 1 (after both worship services)
Unity Sunday Worship
December 8 at 10:30 AM (live-streamed, no 8:30 worship)
Special Choir Music: Bach’s “For Us a Child Is Born” with Orchestra
Children’s Christmas Pageant Premiere
December 15 (after both worship services)
Advent 101
December 15 at 9:30 AM - Led by Amy Miracle
Christmas Eve

4:00 p.m. - Family Worship
with stuffed animals and candles during Silent Night
7:30 p.m.* - Christmas Recital
Flute and Keyboard by Valorie and Jim Hildreth
8:00 p.m.* - Traditional Candlelight Worship
with the choir, meditation and Silent Night
*Indicates Live Streamed